Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Daniel is 2 years old today!

Blowing candles.
Happy Birthday to u my son!

Early morning went to Polyclinic for his appointment. What a lucky day for him. He got the very first number; 1001!
His current weight is 12.4kg and his height is 83.5cm...

Having his pre-birthday celebration at Hartz Chicken yesterday, just the mommy, the daddy, and him.
Today, we celebrated his birthday by having a simple dinner with his popo and uncle. We ordered from Peace Garden Restaurant. Too bad, daddy has to go to Kuching in a sudden for at least 5 days.

The dishes for his birthday dinner are.......

Sea cucumber soup


Salad tauhu and you char kueh

Clam fried with dried chilli

Butter fish

Roasted duck.
Too bad, all he can only eat is the sea cucumber soup with white rice and his birthday cake of course! :P

Black forest cake. Ordered fron Chef Bakery.

Oh! And, for his presents, popo bought him a rechargeable scooter for him to ride. Mommy and daddy bought him a bicycle toy, an aeroplane toy, and books...

This is how we spent his 2 years old birthday. Simple yet memorable, but without daddy :(

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