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Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Adel Adrin was born on 23rd June 2011

22nd June 2011

Mommy has admitted to the hospital after her appointment with the specialist because she need to be operate 2mrrw for taking me out as my estimated weight was 3.744kg... apart from that, because mommy also had c-section on 2009, the doctor does not allowed my mommy to undergo for normal delivery. Off mommy, daddy, and gor gor went to the labor suite. Too bad, guys can't go in so off mommy alone. The nurse checked mommy's urine and  ECG. Everything was okay. Because the procedures were very long, daddy and gor gor went home first because daddy need to settle gor gor first before coming down to visit mommy again in the evening. The nurse then brought mommy to second class ward. Mommy settle in and relax. Every 30 minutes and so, the nurse checked my heart beat and asked whether mommy is in pain or not. The doctor then came in into the room explained this and that to mommy. Mommy then asked not to eat or drink anything start from 12 midnight until the next day. Around 7p.m. daddy came and brought pizza! The last pizza before mommy's confinement and dieting. Daddy went home around 8p.m.

23rd June 2011

Mommy woke up at 5a.m. and washed. The nurse told her by 5.30a.m. they will insert tubes, one into mommy's hand and the other tube is into mommy's vagina. The hand is for glucose, the vagina is for urine. Somehow, only almost 7a.m. the nurse came in and did her job. Mommy then were pushed into the OT around 11.30a.m. Pity daddy because daddy had to wait outside the ward when it is not visiting hour. Inside the OT, mommy were injected with anesthesia at her spine, oxygen tube on her nose. After mommy's half body became numb, the Caesarean begin. The doctors had to use forceps to take me out because I am a really big baby. They had to push mommy's rib to take out my legs. The pushing makes mommy had difficulties in breathing. The oxygen tube has no help at all. Mommy had to use her mouth to breath. At 12.26p.m. that's my first cry. I'm out to see the world. After all the suction and the weighing has done, the nurse then brought me to see mommy. The nurse ask mommy to see my gender. BOY. After that, the nurse brought me back to the ward but mommy were still in the OT. Don't know what the doctors doing with mommy, makes mommy nauseous. Mommy vomited. The C-section has done around 2.30pm. As usual, the pain comes after anesthesia has gone. Mommy were asked to walk the next day. Pain but still need to walk. The more you walk, the faster you'll get better.

*Mommy and I discharge from the hospital on the 25th June 2011

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