Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, July 25, 2011

Adel is lucky to have a brother like him...

Many people say, when you have 2 kids, the elder one will get jealous easily with the younger one. However, for my Daniel, he ain't jealous. When his little brother cry, he will go and comfort his little bro. He ain't stingy with his kisses. Kiss his little bro eyes lah, cheeks lah, head lah, hands, legs, and wherever he could kiss, he will kiss. He also ain't stingy with his toys and the most important item in his life, SMELLY PILLOW. He will share anything that is belongs to him with his lil bro. We can feel that sometimes, he feel neglected. however, we'll try our best to be fair and square. :)

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