Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Adel's update : 2 months old.

Last weighing was on the 23rd August and he's 6.32kg! This second time injection, he did not cry. Good job boy! This month, he's drinking Enfalac with 4 oz still. I don't know why he can't increase his oz :( .
I realized he is one sleepy baby because he sleep most of the day. Play also only for few minutes. He can sleep from 10pm till 4am straight without waking up in the middle of the night for his milk. Because of that, I have to wake him up for his milk.
He don't really like people to carry him. He prefer laying on the bed. Maybe, the bed is more comfortable? He's one baby that can't sleep without the lights turning off. He's also one baby that can hardly sleep in the car. He can stay awake until we reach home, then he'll sleep. Unlike Daniel, Daniel can easily sleep in the car! HAHA. 
He likes to smile alot. Also... also, his very first baby language! "Ang gu, ang gu." Hehe. 
Besides that, his legs are stronger now. Can kick already. :))
He also loves to bath. When you put him inside the bath tub, he'll start smiling until you finish bathing him. Haha. 
That's all about him at 2 months old.

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