Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

It's been a month or more since I last wrote about Daniel. Daniel is now 2 years and 3 months old. He's getting more and more naughty and talkative. Depends on his mood, sometimes he might be very very stubborn until can get on ur nerves.
He's an imitator. He just love to repeat what we said. He's also a reporter! Haha! He'll report this and that. So, don't ever try to bully him, cos he will report to me. HAHA!

His appetite are getting more and more good. Not like before, but still he is a choosy person. He knows which one is delicious and which one is not. He can drink 4 to 5 bottles of milk in a day. Eat 2 meals; rice with soup and egg. Yes, he likes egg very much. He can eat 2 to 3 eggs a day. Vege? Depends lah. He is not a big fan of chicken and fish.

He has one big big big HABIT. He will ask to buy a toy every time we go out. "Buy car. Buy lorry. Buy plane. Buy vroom vroom." that's what he'll said. Sometimes, we'll just make don't know. HAHA!

He's an impatient type. When he ask you this, you must do straightaway. If not, he'll keep on nagging and nagging and nagging with TEARS.

Well, you don't see him like this... he is a lovely person. He will hug or kiss his little brother. If he not sengaja hurt his little brother, he'll make his sad face and sayang his brother.

That's him. Naughty, stubborn yet lovely. Haha

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