Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Adel's update at 5 months old.

He is 5 months and a day old. Went to clinic this morning for his injection. He weighs 8.7kg. Same with daniel when daniel were 5 months old too. :) A little update of him.

  • He can roll over from his back to his tummy but have not yet expert in rolling back. He will cry for help is he is tired on laying on his tummy.
  • Focuses well and follows object that interest him.
  • He will laugh, often out loud when you play with him and when he sees his bro doing just anything.. Smiles easily too, when you call him. 
  • He will babble to himself when he sooth himself to sleep sometimes. Or maybe he babble to us with his "alien language". :D
  • Drinks 4 to 5 oz every 2 hours.  
That's him at 5 months old. :)

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