Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Daniel will becoming 3 this end of May.
Time past very fast huh.
He is a good boy. Really good boy.
Will help his mommy taking care of his brother very well.
Not naughty. Easily handle.
Only sometimes, if he is in bad mood, he will be very stubborn and nags a lot.
Talkative. He likes to ask so many questions too. Have to be patient when he ask, because he ask the same thing all over again. Haha...

Adel on the other hand, is 10 months old. This June he will be 1 year old. Unbelievable.
Have five teeth already.
He is a naughty boy. Climb here and there. Disturb things.
He eats a lot. He'll shout when he sees me eating and I don't give him eat.
Destroyer. Haha.

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