Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Adel's Update : 4 months old.

4 months old now. Time flies really really fast.
Adel drinks 6 oz per bottle of milk now. I thought of giving him solid food but nah... I'll wait until he is 6 months old.
He can now grab things and stare at it for few seconds.
He starts to learn how to turn, but not completely successful. He will start shouting asking to help him to turn his body.
He doesn't like to lay on the bed. Acting like he is already an adult - want to sit only.
He likes watching TV. The way he watch TV, awww so cute.

That's him at 4 months old. :)

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