Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Daniel is considered as a good boy, but with some MINOR bad attitudes. Every time after finish eating, he'll ask to wash his hands and mouth. Conclusion, he scared of dirty lah. He knows when is his time to bath. He can automatically ask me to give him bath. Easy... He helps to take care his brother, such as, wipes his bro's mouth when got saliva, if his bro cries, he'll inform me. He knows where to keep his toys. For example, he took out his toys from this cupboard, he'll put back at the same place. He wont throw rubbish anyhow. There's a lot more of his good sides. Lazy to list them all..

Anyway, I have no idea how to control his bad attitudes, end up I got angry and pulled his ears. His minor bad attitudes are, he always asked us to buy him toys every time we go out. "Buy car! Buy car!". If we make don't know, he'll start nagging and crying out loud. His motto; "I want this, I must get this." Any ideas mothers out there? Stubborn is also one of his bad attitudes. but only when he is in a bad mood or not enough sleep. When u ask him to do this, he'll say "NO!" ask to do that also say "NO!". He also has 1 attitude, like 1 second he wants this, the next second he doesn't want this, then the next second again, he want this. want, don't want, want. This kind of attitude makes my anger blows very very very fast!

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